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Aumanns Core Equivalence Theorem and its Generalizations

作者:澳门新甫京    发布:2018-10-11   

光华讲坛——社会名流与企业家论坛第 5138 期

主题:Aumanns Core Equivalence Theorem and its Generalizations

主讲人:奥克兰理工大学 曹继岭教授

主持人:经济数学学院 马敬堂教授



主办单位:经济数学学院 科研处


曹继岭教授是新西兰奥克兰理工大学的终身教授,数学科学系主任及博士生导师。曾在日本,中国,巴西及印度等国家担任研究员和访问教授, 现在是美国数学会会员,新西兰数学会会士,Mathematical Reviews和Zentralblatt MATH 的特邀评论员。曹继岭教授长期从事解析拓扑学及其在对策论和经济应用等方面的研究,并在超空间理论,Baire空间及其推广,拓扑对策论及信息不对称经济学等领域取得重大成果: 彻底解决了由美国著名拓扑学家R. McCoy和G.Gruenhage于1975和2000在解析拓扑学领域提出的问题,成功地运用分析学及拓扑学的方法和技巧解决了西班牙经济学家C. Herves-Beloso和意大利经济学家M.Pesce等人于近几年在信息不对称经济学领域提出的一些问题。曹继岭教授还主持和参与了多项新西兰国家级以及国际间合作的科研项目,并先后在国际顶级的拓扑学,分析学,经济学期刊,如Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Topology and its Applications,Journal of Mathematical Economics, Economic Theory, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 及其它学术期刊上发表80多篇科研论文.曹教授还是多个国际权威学术期刊的审稿人。


In 1964, Robert J. Aumann proved a core equivalence theorem, whichstates that the set of core allocations in an atomless economy is identical to the set of Walrasian equilibrium allocations. Here, the non-atomicity captures the notion that each trader isinsignificant when compared to the whole. The profound significance of this theorem is that ourmodels of such an economy can be organized so that if its traders are coordinated by prices,then there is no group that can organize its own holdings to make itself better off.In the past 50 years, many authors have been trying to extend Aumann'stheorem. In this talk, I will present and discuss several generalizations of this celebrated theorem, including someof my recent research work in this direction.
