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类别: 校内师资 行政教辅 校外师资 论文导师

教授,博士生导师,澳门新甫京工商管理学院物流管理系 个人简介 四川省青年百人计划获得者,主持国家自然科学基金、博士点基金等多项国家和省部级课题。 研究方向包括道路拥挤收费、网络建模和优化、博弈论、机器...




研究方向包括道路拥挤收费、网络建模和优化、博弈论、机器学习与交通数据挖掘、智能交通系统等。在管理科学与工程交通研究领域著名国际期刊和会议如Transportation Science,Transportation Research Part A、B、C,ISTTT等发表多篇论文。



香港科技大学 ,土木工程交通工程专业, 2004-2007, 博士

清华大学,土木工程交通工程专业, 2001-2004,硕士

清华大学,土木工程结构工程, 1997-2001, 学士



2、 项目主持人,成都市科技惠民技术研发项目:基于手机信令数据的成都市交通出行分析系统,2016~2017;












[1] Xu, Z.T., Yin, Y.F.*, Yang, H. and Xiao, F., 2016. Variable versus fixed congestion pricing under day-to-day traffic dynamics. Transportation Research Part B. Under revision.

[2] Xiao, F.*, Yang, H. and Ye, H.B., 2016. Physics of Day-To-Day Network Flow Dynamics. Transportation Research Part B 86, 86-103.

[3] Nie, Y.M. *, Ghamami, M., Zockaie, A. and Xiao, F., 2016. Optimization of Incentive Polices for Plug-in Electric Vehicles. Transportation Research Part B 84, 103-123.

[4] Zhu, J.C., Xiao, F.* and Liu, X.B., 2015. Taxis in road pricing zone: should they pay the congestion charge? Journal of Advanced Transportation 49(1), 96-113.

[5] Xiao, F. and Zhang, H.M.*, 2014. Pareto-Improving Toll and Subsidy Scheme on Transportation Networks. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research 14(1), 46-65.

[6] Xiao, F., Qian, Z. and Zhang, H.M.*, 2013. Managing Bottleneck Congestion with Tradable Credits. Transportation Research Part B 56(0), 1-14.

[7] Xiao, F.* and Zhang, H.M., 2014. Pareto-Improving and Self-Sustainable Pricing for the Morning Commute with Nonidentical Commuters. Transportation Science 48(2), 159-169.

[8] Xiao, F., Shen, W. and Zhang, H.M.*, 2012. The Morning Commute under Flat Toll and Tactical Waiting. Transportation Research Part B 46(10), 1346-1359.

[9] Qian, Z., Xiao, F., Zhang, H.M.*, 2012. Managing morning commute with parking. Transportation Research Part B 46(7), 894–916.

[10] Qian, Z., Xiao, F. and Zhang, H.M.*, 2011. The Economics of Parking Provision for the Morning Commute. Transportation Research Part A, 45(9), 861-879.

[11] Xiao, F., Qian, Z. and Zhang, H.M.*, 2010. Morning commute problem with coarse toll and nonidentical commuters. Networks and Spatial Economics,11 August 2010, 1-27.

[12] Yang, H.* and Xiao, F., 2009. Private road competition and equilibrium with traffic equilibrium constraints. The Journal of Advanced Transportation 43(1), 21-45.

[13] Xiao, F.*, Yang, H., 2008. Efficiency loss of private road with continuously distributed value of time. Transportmetrica 4(1), 19-32.

[14] Xiao, F., Yang, H.* and Guo, X.L., 2007. Bounding the inefficiency of toll competition among congested roads. Transportation and Traffic Theory 2007(ISTTT17) (edited by Richard E. Allsop),Elsevier, 27-54. Imperial College London, UK.

[15] Xiao, F., Yang, H.* and Han, D.R., 2007. Competition and efficiency of private toll roads. Transportation Research Part B 41(3), 292-308.

[16] Xiao, F. and Yang, H.*, 2007. Three-player game-theoretic model over a freight transportation network. Transportation Research Part C 15(4), 209-217.



[18]祝进程,肖峰*,帅斌,2015.城市出租车拥挤收费研究.《吉林大学学报(工学版)》[J](1), 89-96.


[19] Xiao, F.*, 2011. Investment, Pricing, and Efficiency of Private Road with Heterogeneous Trip‐Makers. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Transportation Engineering. ASCE Conf. Proc. doi:10.1061/41184(419)142.

[20] Zhang, M. and Xiao, F.*, 2013. Bus Arrival Time Prediction based on GPS Data. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Transportation Engineering. ASCE Conf. Proc.,2013

[21]郑梦雷,肖峰*,朱文熙.电动汽车充电站规模优化模型研究.《西华大学学报:自然科学版》, 2015, 34(5), 103-107.

[22]肖峰,缪立新,2013.有效性原理在运输定价中的运用。《中国物流与采购》[J] 10, 18-19.

[23]肖峰,缪立新,2013.面临环境挑战的中国物流业。《现代物流》[J] 8, 26-27.



[2]肖峰,沈旻宇,涂雯雯,郑梦雷,“一种基于胎压的载重检测方法、基于胎压检测的公交车客流量计算方法及装置”, 发明专利;




[1] Physics of Network Flow Dynamics.中山大学学术报告。2015年6月8日。

[2] 2015 International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science (CTS),2015年7月18-20日,内蒙古大学,呼和浩特。


[4] 2015年管理科学与运筹国际学术论坛。2015年5月22.同济大学,上海。


[6] Empirical analyses of day-to-day flow dynamics by online virtual route-choice experiment. Dec. 19-20, 2015. The 7th International Workshop on Behavioral Operations Management. Tianjin. (Session Chair)

[7] Empirical Analyses Of Day-To-Day Flow Dynamics By Online Virtual Route-Choice Experiment. 2015.12.12-14. The 20th HKSTS International Conference. Hong Kong. (Session Chair: Transport Dynamics.)

[8] Optimal Pricing of Day-to-Day Flow Dynamics. The 6th International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science. June 7, 2014, Hefei University of Technology (HFUT), Hefei, China.

[9] Pareto-Improving Tradable Credit Scheme in Transportation Networks. INFORMS, June, 2012, Beijing.

[10] The Physics of Network Flow Dynamics. Workshop on Day-to-Day Dynamical System Approach for Modeling Transportation Systems. 2013年11月3日-6日,香港科技大学

[11] Taxis in Road Pricing Zone: Should They Pay the Congestion Charge? Transportation Research Board 92th Annual Meeting,2013.01.12-19. Washington DC, US.


[13] Bus Arrival Time Prediction based on GPS Data. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Transportation Engineering. ASCE Conf. Proc.2013年10月

[14] The boundary effects of coarse toll at bottleneck. The sixth of International Travel Demand Management Symposium (TDM2013), August 21-23, 2013, Dalian, China.

[15] The morning commute under flat toll and tactical waiting. 13th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP 2013), August 13-16, 2013, Shenzhen, China.

[16] Managing bottleneck congestion with tradable credits. China-Korea Joint Seminar on Sustainable Transportation Systems (CKJSSTS), March 24-27, 2013, Beijing, China.

[17] On a credit-based congestion pricing scheme for transportation networks. China-Korea Joint Seminar on Sustainable Transportation Systems (CKJSSTS), August 25-26, 2011, Seoul, Korea.

[18] Qian, Z., Xiao, F. and Zhang, H.M., 2011. The Economics of Parking Provision for the Morning Commute. 19th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory . July 18-20, 2011, Berkeley,California,US.

[19] Xiao, F., Qian, F. and Zhang, H.M. The Morning Commute Problem with Coarse Toll and Nonidentical Commuters. INFORMS Annual Meeting. Octobor 11-14, 2009, San diego, US.

[20] Xiao, F. and Zhang, H.M. Bounding the inefficiency of price and investment competition in an oligopoly market. The Transportation Research Board 88th Annual Meeting. January 11-15, 2009, Washington, D.C., US.

[21] Xiao, F. Investment, pricing and efficiency of private road with heterogeneous trip-makers. 2008 International Conference of Chinese Logistics and Transportation Professionals. October 07-09, 2008, Chengdu, China.

[22] Xiao, F., Yang, H. and Guo, X.L. Bounding the inefficiency of toll competition among congested roads. 17th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory . July 23-25, 2007, Imperial College, London, UK.

[23] Xiao, F., Yang, H. and Guo, X.L. Efficiency loss of private toll road competition. The 11th Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies. December 09-13, 2006, Hong Kong.

[24] Xiao, F. and Yang, H. Competition and equilibria of private toll roads with elastic demand. The Transportation Research Board 85th Annual Meeting. January 22-26, 2006, Washington, D.C., US.

[25] Xiao, F., Yang, H. Three-player game-theoretic model over a freight transportation network. The 1st International Conference on Transportation Logistics. July 27-29, 2005, Singapore.

[26] Xiao, F., Yang, H. and Han, D.R. Analysis of the inefficiency of private toll road competition. The 10th Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies. December 9-13, 2005, Hong Kong.
